False from true

False from true

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When my songs turn to ashes on my tongue, When I look in the mirror and see I’m no longer young, Then I got to start the job of separating false from true, And then I know, I know I need the love of you.‎ When I found tarnish on some of my brightest dreams, When some folks I trusted turned out not quite what they seemed; Then I got to start the job of separating false from true, Then once more I know, I know I need the love of you.‎ No song I can sing will make Governor Wallace change his mind, No song I can sing will take the gun from a hate-filled man; But I promise you, and you, brothers and sisters of every skin, I’ll sing your story while I’ve breath within.‎ We got to keep on keeping on, even when the sun goes down, We got to live, live, live until another day comes ’round; Meanwhile, better start over, separating false from true, And more and more, I know I need the love of you.‎

Brano inserito nell'album “Pete Seeger Now”

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