The ballad of Sacco and Vanzetti - part 2

The ballad of Sacco and Vanzetti - part 2

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Father, yes, I am a prisoner Fear not to relay my crime The crime is loving the forsaken Only silence is shame And now I'll tell you what's against us An art that's lived for centuries Go through the years and you will find What's blackened all of history Against us is the law With its immensity of strength and power Against us is the law! Police know how to make a man A guilty or an innocent Against us is the power of police! The shameless lies that men have told Will ever more be paid in gold Against us is the power of the gold! Against us is racial hatred And the simple fact that we are poor My father dear, I am a prisoner Don't be ashamed to tell my crime The crime of love and brotherhood And only silence is shame With me I have my love, my innocence, The workers, and the poor For all of this I'm safe and strong And hope is mine Rebellion, revolution don't need dollars They need this instead Imagination, suffering, light and love And care for every human being You never steal, you never kill You are a part of hope and life The revolution goes from man to man And heart to heart And I sense when I look at the stars That we are children of life Death is small.

La ballata fa parte della colonna sonora del film di Giuliano Montaldo che racconta la storia di Sacco e Vanzetti e della loro assurda e vergognosa condanna a morte.

Essa si compone di tre parti. 

Il bellissimo testo della ballata è stato realizzato da Joan Baez traendo ispirazione, per la parte 2, dalla lettera che Bartolomeo Vanzetti scrisse a suo padre mentre era incarcerato.

La musica della ballata, così come la stupenda colonna sonora del film, è opera del grande Ennio Morricone.

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